

Question by  doggy21 (14)

My dog is 8 years could you tell me what could be causing her to be breathing so heavy?


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Her brain tells her that she needs more oxygen in her blood, she needs to feel unsuffocated. An animal urgent care center should have the tools to find out why.


Answer by  olive8 (911)

Just like humans dogs can have respiratory problems. She may even have a dog version of the "common cold. " if this continues for much longer you should consider taking your dog to see a vet because you don't want the condition to worsen. She may require antibiotics, and you will want to get those right away.


Answer by  aussiegirl (711)

There and numerous things that can cause this. She may have a heart problem, or something as simple as being 'unfit' or overweight (Yes pet's can be unfit to) Take her to a vet for a check up and they will be able to give you recommendations.


Answer by  Erica95 (323)

Obesity and old age are the two most common reasons for why your dog is having this issue. Or if your dog is of the flat faced variety, pugs for example, they have breathing trouble to begin with. She could also be having trouble with the heat or with allergies since dogs have problems with some airborne allergens like people.


Answer by  doggy21 (14)

She has been breathing like that since i got her 2 years ago.


Answer by  doggy21 (14)

Could she have asthma?

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