

Question by  momak42yahoocom (17)

My 8 year old son does not listen, how can I control him?

He does not want to do homework or help out in any way, and is only happy when he gets his way - ie gets to watch telly, ride his bicycle, play with mates. When the fun is over he is lippy and rude. Taking away privileges has no effect.


Answer by  Anonymous

He does not want to do homework or help out in any way, and is only happy when he gets his way - ie gets to watch telly, ride his bicycle, play with mates. When the fun is over he is lippy and rude. Taking away privileges has no effect


Answer by  Anonymous

My son is 10+. He is not resposible for his things and studies. He is also not very serious in studies. He just want to play and doesnt listen to anyone he studies just for finishing his work thats why he is lacking in his class. Suggest me to handle


Answer by  Anonymous

Sometimes as they grow things just need tweaked. Something that may have previously worked no longer will. Really bad..take away all (clean house) only when these issues are done do you give back. Start with nothing and gradually give it back. Take the time and STICK TO IT! Reward!


Answer by  fig (71)

Children are more willing to listen when people avoid condescension and treat them as equals with minds of their own. If your approach suggests desire to control, you should not be surprised if he is disinclined to listen. If you are looking for respect, you need to respect the child.


Answer by  Markwanda3161 (90)

Use positive reinforcement for better behavior. Put a rewards chart on the wall and when he reaches his goal he gets a reward he would love.


Answer by  Mercuryman3a (113)

Why do you want to control him? The trouble with all of us is that we always try and control things and people. You do not need to control your 8 year old son. All you need to do is manage him. you have to thinks of ways to outwit him. Keep him occupied and busy in things he enjoys.

posted by Anonymous
Thank God normal people ,i googled "my 8y old is out of control and the first page I went on was full of freaks telling people to pull down childrens pants and hit them with wooden spoon or paddles.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
your nuts you don't have a child out of control. simple answers come from simple minds. god help out world  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
You probably don't have one of your own. Saying is easy, but being in situation practically is different  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
spanking enduces negative behavior in itself! teaches nothing but anger and abuse. soon thats all they will know.And will act the same way regardless. Dont know what happened to "respect your parents" kids lack respect these days  add a comment

Answer by  cidnchrstn (0)

Love and patience will solve your issue...


Answer by  snpaz (1)

my 7 yr old son doesnt listen, has no respect and hits my two other boys, hes so bad he makes me cry and its so sad that my other two boys are learning to be the same way, can the anger be from what he see at his dads

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