How do I fix whites that turned pink in the laundry with a red towel?
How do you cook white squash?
What are the white things swimming in my fish tank?
What is the difference between white wine vinegar and the white cooking wine vinegar that Resse makes?
What kind of rabbit is brown with white spots?
What to you think of Money Tree gifts? Are they tacky?
When was WHITE rice invented? I mean exactly that--not when BROWN rice was first cultivated, but white rice was invented.
Question by nithin64 (8)
Answer by BethT (222)
White velour should only be worn by Easter Bunnies and as trim for Santa Claus' winter coat. Otherwise, white velour is considered quite gauche.
Answer by visira779 (269)
No, white velour is not tacky at all. In fact this color is very stylish when worn with the correct shoes. Make sure to wear the right shoes.
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