

Question by  DocZ (47)

Is my dog affected by my menstrual cycle?


Answer by  patti (29325)

There is some evidence that dogs are affected by the menstrual cycle of an owner. Research indicates that this is probably due to the hormonal changes of menstruation (and pregnancy, too). Dogs may become overly protective about other dogs, or even people, approaching. Considering keeping a journal to document changes in your dog's behavior as you near your cycle.

posted by Anonymous
Thank you! I was wondering why my male dog seems more aggressive around me after my ovulation but before my period. Is there a site with more info about this?  add a comment

Answer by  salina (943)

Not Medical Adivce: it is highly unlikely that your dog is affected by your menstrual cycle. You may have some emotional effects by your irrateability, bloating and everything else that goes with it. Your dog may just think you are one weird human. Good Luck.


Answer by  LMM (16)

It is more likely the cause of behavior changes in your dog that you have noticed around your time of the month, is because your dog can sense your mood change. Dogs are very perceptive when it comes to their owners moods. Your dog can sense when you are not feeling well, resulting in a change in his/her behavior.

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