pet health


Question by  Wednesday (78)

Is it possible for a shi tzu to get a yeast infection?


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Infection can occur in any moist area such as around the eyes, mouth or genital area. Keep those areas dry. Brush and bath them regularly. If there is odor or itching the dog may need a trip to the vet for antibiotics.


Answer by  caliope (14)

Yes,it is possible for shi tzu dogs to develop diseases such as yeast infection in the ear due to food and digestive problems due to the wrong type of diet .


Answer by  sallysnow (23)

Your dog is no different than any other dog breed. If your dog has been given a diet with a high intake of sugar, this could result in a yeast infection.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

It is possible for a dog to get a vaginal infection, not necessarily a yeast infection but probably something similar to it. If you think anything might be wrong with your dog take it to the vet to have it looked at.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It is possible for any dog to get a yeast infection you will need to take your dog to the vet so they can give you some antibiotic to get the dog over the infection and to try and prevent it from coming back again and they will also be able to tell you how they got it.


Answer by  Lottadogs (1258)

Any sort of dog can get a yeast infection of the skin or ears. Yeast is a common bacteria on dog skin and in the environment and will grow in areas that are damp such as ear canals and in skin surfaces that are broken. Allergies often trigger eyast infections.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

Yes dogs can get yeast infections just like people. It may not be a yeats infection if the dog is licking a lot. Take the do to the vet.


Answer by  John (9008)

Yeast infections can attack almost any mammal, including a dog. Thus, a shi tzu can get a yeast infection, which is very similar to what humans get.

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