

Question by  tnfox (23)

Is it okay to give Motrin to dogs?


Answer by  zombieguy (986)

While some dogs can tolerate small doses of Motrin (ibuprofen), it has been shown to be lethal to many dogs, so it is not recommended for them. The only person really qualified to suggest a suitable pain medication for your dog in an appropriate dosage is your local veterinarian, so contact them for more information.


Answer by  Doglover43 (10)

Human medications are intended for our consumption only. Motrin, Advil, and Ibuprofen are very toxic and fatal to your pet. You can purchase aspirin from most pet stores sell that is specifically made for dogs. The only thing that is ok to give your dog that is not fatal is aspirin at 5mg per pound orally every 12 hours.


Answer by  piratewt21 (41)

You should always check with your vet, but I have been told by my vet before to give motrin to my dog when it was in pain.


Answer by  shil (171)

No. Please don't give Motrin to your dogs. Because it may become fatal even if it is given in low doses. If the dog shows the symptoms of pain, observe him for few days and if does't get calm, consult a vet.


Answer by  Badgzara (95)

I do not believe a dog is able to take motrin. You should not give your pet any human medication without prior approval of a vet.


Answer by  Brida (102)

Motrin like many other pain killers and fever reducer is toxic to dogs and it is therefore strongly recommended not to use it. The only alternative medication safe to give to all canines (minding the right dosage according to body weight) would be aspirin.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

No. Never give your dog medicine that is designated for human consumption. In some cases human medication can be used on pets, but you shouldn't use them unless your dogs Vet gives you approval. Some medicines which are safe for dogs can be lethal in certain doses. Other human medications can be lethal in any dose.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

No human pain medication can be very deadly to a dog or a cat. The best way to do it is to call the vet and tell them your dog needs something for pain and they will be able to give you something for dogs.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Never give your dog anything unless you check with your Vet first. Certain human medications can be safe for dogs but could be lethal if they were given in the wrong doses.


Answer by  Priya12 (218)

It is always not adviced to give Motrin to dogs. Its not all dogs can resists mortin and its very difficult to say which one can and which can not. Specialy small dogs can never tolerate motrins. Better not to give Motrins to dogs.


Answer by  Sharrr (122)

It is absolutely not okay to give a dog Motrin.Motrin is highly toxic to dogs and can cause a lot of health problems as well as death.

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