

Question by  tyler13 (92)

Is it normal for a pregnant cat to have diarrhea?


Answer by  tiffany42 (47)

Yes it is very normal. It is also normal for your cat to eat less and have morning sickness. You will also see there nipples getting bigger this is called pinking


Answer by  Elle26 (66)

As with humans, animals also go through major changes when they are pregnant. There is no need to be alarmed if there are changes in your cat's bowel moments while she is pregnant. However, it is always best to consult your vet.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

I am aftraid it is not so. You have to be careful in feeding the cat when it is on the family way. The cat must have been overfed with fleshy food. The indigestion may be the cause for it. Feed the cat with liquid food and consult a vet.


Answer by  Rajesh (329)

No it is not normal if she get dehydrated then she will lost the kittens or she may even become sick more. You have to take to the nearby vet and give her medicines or it will be a problem for the kittens.

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