united states


Question by  nzbee (19)

Is it legal to pass someone across a double yellow line on a two lane road?


Answer by  Anonymous

It is legal according to Title 75 of the PA vehicle code. No Passing zones must be clearly marked by signs designating the beginning and the end of the zone. The drivers manual was revised to say "should not pass on a double yellow" in October 2003 to clarify this.


Answer by  Anonymous

It depends on where you are driving. Vermont and Pennsylvania, for example, explicitly allow this. A solid double yellow line is advisory, in these two states and possibly others.


Answer by  Anonymous

it is legal in Pennsylvania & Vermont. idk about any other states... usually i think of... anything yellow in driving = recommendations/warning. White = law. It is illegal to pass on the shoulder. & it is illegal before tunnels or hills / obstacles etc.


Answer by  bex (116)

No, it is not legal to pass on a double yellow line on a two lane road. You may only pass on a dotted line.


Answer by  PhillyFan (86)

No, it is illegal to cross a solid yellow line. A solid line indicates that there is some road condition which inhibits your ability to see on-coming vehicles and thus be able to pass the car safely without risking a collision.


Answer by  Bob64 (87)

Passing under those circumstances is illegal. The only legal circumstance for passing another vehicle is the presence of a dotted line on your side of the road.


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

No, it is illegal to pass someone across a double yellow line on a two lane road. The line must be dashed on your side in order to make a legal pass. Generally you should wait until the line changes/goes away but if nobody's around, there's usually no harm in passing on double yellows.


Answer by  Anonymous

You MAY pass on a double yellow line IF, and only if, there's NO oncoming traffic or intersection for 200 feet or more. Look it up. Pa. Title 75. Ask any state cop.

posted by Anonymous
I was just cited for being side swiped by a guy passing on a double yellow line since I had slide over as he passed it was my fault,State police confirms that you can pass on a double yellow line if it is not marked as no passing.Totally blew meaway.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

There is nothing in the vehicle code which pertains to double yellow lines. No passing zones must be clearly posted. Read title 75 section 3305: Limitations on overataking on left. Vehicle code is what officers must cite from.

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