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Question by  knowaguy (23)

Is it difficult to import a car into Mexico?

I would like to drive to Mexico and need to know what are the considerations for driving a car across the border.


Answer by  patti (29325)

There is no problem driving your vehicle into Mexico when you are traveling. You will need the registration, proof of insurance and your driver's license and passport. If you plan to take up residence in Mexico, you will be required to register the car in the Mexican state where you settle, pay the assessed fees and so forth.


Answer by  Binome (1975)

The vast majority of U. S. to Mexico traffic is by car. You'll just have to wait for a customs agent to check you out before letting you through into Mexico, and the same procedure on the way back. Have your papers in order, and be prepared to wait.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

When we went to Mexico we didn't have any problems driving across. You will need the whole title proving you own the vehicle, license and proof of insurance. Hope that helps.

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