reproductive health


Question by  cmacmam (3)

Is HPV sexually transmitted?


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Yes. According to the CDC, human papillomavirus is the most commonly spread sexually transmitted infection. Most people will never know they carry it, but it can cause genital warts, cervical cancer and other problems. There is a vaccine for women to help prevent cancer, but there is no cure. Typically, a healthy immune system can fight the infection.


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

Yes, human papilloma virus (HPV) is sexually transmitted. There are numerous types of HPV and each is a little different. Some are primarily transmitted via sex while other are transmitted through other types of contact. HPV can have a multitude of health outcomes including warts (including genital warts) and even some types of cervical cancer.


Answer by  Danie (993)

Yes, HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, like herpes and AIDS. Women who contract HPV can be at high risk for cervical cancer. Young women under 25 can get a vaccine for HPV to prevent the four most common strains of the virus, however it is best to always practice safe sex.


Answer by  John (9008)

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. In men, it is mostly harmless and a man is unlikely to know that he is a carrier. For women, it may also do nothing for many years. It causes cervical cancer, however, which is a very deadly form of cancer. There is an effective vaccine available for HPV, however.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes it is a sexually transmitted disease. You can read more about it and see pictures at yourstdhelp. com

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