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car repairs


Question by  Matt817 (13)

Is car window installation something I can do myself?

I can get a new windshield cheap but the labor is expensive.


Answer by  KelliMatz (42)

The cost of the window may seem high but there is a risk of moisture seeping into the cars interior and the window could fail.


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

A windshield is considered (and IS) a safety device. Unless you have any professional experience replacing one I would leave it to a shop. Use your insurance to cover costs.


Answer by  bug57 (1048)

If you've never attempted it before, it can be a bit hard. You have to time the application of sealant correctly.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

It really depends on the type of windsheild you have. If you have an older car without a bonded windsheild then you can remove and install yourself safely. Bonded windshield are dangerous to remove and take special tools and skill to install. So it is best to let professionals handle this type.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

You can do it but it will be extremely hard if you have never done it before. Also the biggest problem with doing it yourself is the window may leak or may fall out if you hit the brakes too hard.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Well on most car this is better left to the professionals. Windshields are heavy and awkward things to move around. If you don't seal them correctly then you will have a lot of headaches down the road. You can always try but do your research first to get it right.


Answer by  emussini (22)

Usually, it is not something you can do, because you will need special tools to extract the windshield, handle it and also to install the new one. The job also requires expertise in installing the rubber gasket and applying sealant. I would strongly recommend that you take your car to a window replacement shop.

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