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Question by  Steve81 (32)

Is an inboard boat harder to steer?


Answer by  HeavyLifter (26)

An inboard boat should be no harder to steer than an outboard boat. Inboard boats have a steering system that connects what they call a tiller arm to the rudder, the rudder determines which way the boat goes. When you turn the steering wheel, the tiller arm turns the rudder, which steers the boat.


Answer by  jaljl25 (547)

Well from my personal experience, it is definitely harder to steer than an outboard boat. Try to avoid an inboard boat.


Answer by  Jaggers (1018)

Boat hull design has a greater influence on ease of steering than whether the motor is an inboard or outboard. The only time an inboard is harder to steer is when you're towing a very large skier who has had more than ten beers and you have had some killer weed.

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