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lawn mowers


Question by  jcrane (118)

Is a Wizard riding lawn mower good?


Answer by  bj62 (12)

I have never heard of the Wizard brand. I would try to stick with the more mainstream brands. Brands like Murray or Snapper or John Deere are all proven brands. I've never owned one but I've heard that Poulan is a pretty good brand also.


Answer by  B28 (46)

The Wizard is an okay riding lawn mower. John Deere, Craftsman, and Hasvarna also make a good riding lawn mower. You are going to pay more for a John Deere, but your buying much better quality of a machine.


Answer by  carryvan (148)

No, a Wizard riding lawn mower is got good. The brand is not as common as other manufacturers, such as John Deere, Toro, Murray, or Craftsman. Your best bet is to chose a lawn mower made my a reputable company to ensure you are covered by a warranty and have any support you may need.


Answer by  happytimes63 (865)

The Wizard is not a nationally recognized brand. Reccomend search engine queries about wizard brand to find product reviews. Also go to thier web site if there is one, and research price , service avialability, and use about page to see how long they have been in business. Also look for contact information and phone numbers.

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