

Question by  candileec (1)

I think I just saw my pit bull have a seizure for the first time. What do I do?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

You should take the dog to the vet to see what's causing it. Vets can prescribe medications that prevent seizures and can also prescribe medications that will help stop a seizure once it comes on. Seizures can be potentially life threatening, especially if you don't know what to do when your dog has one.


Answer by  JeffD (238)

Seizures are a sign of serious canine brain issues. Make a mental note of your dog's actions -- is the dog motionless, or seizing violently? Are the dog's eyes rolled back, and did the dog urinate during the seizure? When you have collected this information, call the veterinarian.


Answer by  jules (61)

If you see anything like a seizure, the first thing to do is call the vet or poison control. You can check their internal temp, too.

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