

Question by  Angela (36)

I hit my head hard, now I'm running a fever, could these things be connected?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

It is only related if the head injury resulted in cuts or abrasions that could have gotten infected. Otherwise, it is more likely a virus.


Answer by  gummie (738)

A fever signifies an infection somewhere in the body. Unless you received a laceration when you hit your head, I don't believe the two are related.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

It's not likely hitting your head caused it. However, the stress of hitting your head can weaken your immune system or cause it to over react resulting in fever.


Answer by  TB64 (83)

A fever could cause you to hit your head, but hitting your head should not cause a fever, unless you hit it so hard you caused a laceration.

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