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Question by  jw13 (101)

How would you interpret a dream where I keep seeing deer?


Answer by  YourMoneyAnswerGal (654)

What do deer mean to you? Have you a feeling about the movie, "Bambi" or do you like hunting? Have you a desire to see forest or open spaces or do you have a fear of Lyme disease? Deer are gentle, innocent-looking creatures. Is somebody hunting you?


Answer by  sususu (866)

This is a good thing. Deer in dreams is a sign of deep friendship for the young. If you're married, dreaming of deer is a sign of a quiet married life. Killing a deer, on the other hand, is definitely not a good thing.

Reply by ibenda05 (1):
How do you know?
I keep seeing deer in real life. At odd times.  add a comment

Answer by  keiki (1376)

You might be thinking about or being reminded of deer throughout the day then you dream about it because you thought about it during the day.


Answer by  sanoshin (71)

You keep seeing deer means your subconscious mind is sending you signal to progress with speed. Subconscious mind is sending signals that somewhere speed is lacking in your progress and you must increase your speed. Deer is a symbol of speed. Your mind may be suggesting you to run for life like a deer runs for his life.

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