


Question by  begold (17)

How should I treat my dog's cyst?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

The cysts should be removed by a vet after it is drained in order to prevent an infection from spreading and the cyst from growing too large and causing too much damage.


Answer by  mmn (369)

It depends on what kind of cyst. A sebaceous cyst is harmless and will drain on its own. A more serious cyst may become infected and need medical attention.


Answer by  TMyers (1084)

The best thing to do for a dog's cyst is take him to the vet and get it checked out to see if it can be removed with laser surgery. If it is open and you do not want to go to the vet, you can try to put neosporin or vaseline on it to try to help it heal.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

You might try putting neosporyn on the cyst and see if it clears up in a few days. Take you dog to the vet if the cyst doesn't go away.

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