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Question by  Catherine34 (54)

How reliable is Parcels 2 Go?

Will they beat UPS and FedEx in price?


Answer by  Jess35 (445)

Parcels 2 Go is a less expansive company, as UPS and FedEx are the main mail carriers worldwide. Parcels to go makes it easy to order and ship online, worldwide. This adds convenience for customers using their system. Parcels 2 Go is reliable and offers competitive pricing compared to FedEx and UPS.


Answer by  shiloh (17)

I do not know how reliable they are but considering the price difference between the UK and here I doubt that they will beat UPS or FedEx. UPS and FedEx have also been around for so long they have their procedures down to a science and are able to improve them drasticall this place is starting from scratch

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