


Question by  Mark (29)

How often do dogs come into heat?


Answer by  bmacavid (85)

Bitches come into heat twice a year, in spring and fall. Male dogs react to bitches in heat all year round (providing they aren't neutered, of course). Since we domesticated wolves turning them into dogs, they have better resources: food, shelter, health care. As opossed to dogs,wolves only come in heat once a year.


Answer by  Fishtales (373)

A dog goes into heat on average 2 - 3 times a year. All dogs are different. Heat lasts anywhere from one week to one month. Dogs generally keep themselves clean. Some people won't even notice their dog is in heat. Just be careful not to let your dog mate.


Answer by  Ashli (251)

It varies between breeds, but even moreso, it varies from dog to do. Some dogs come into heat once a year at the very most, and some come into heat every six months or so. A good average estimate is around every nine months, right in the middle of the two.


Answer by  PrncsPrple (237)

A female dog will come into heat every six months. The dog will start this when she reaches six months of age. Your dog can also be spayed at six months. Spaying & neutering prevent numerous health problems, including cancer. And the behavorial benefits are significant. It reduces aggression, dominance problems.

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