


Question by  JKustom (31)

How much does it cost to make a penny?


Answer by  river (1226)

About a $1.80, it has to do with materials used. The price of zinc and copper has risen in the last few years. It's about 98% zinc and 2% copper.


Answer by  JediDrumer (90)

The cost of manufacturing a penny is slightly higher than 1 1/2 cents. This is because of the materials used to make pennies. Inflation has made copper and zinc prices rise. Other coins are cheaper to make, so it all works out in the end. Still, many people think the U.S. should quit making them.


Answer by  dtalk (428)

It takes roughly 1.3 cents in materials to produce a single penny. The cost keeps increasing because of inflation and the rise in prices of precious metals.

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