how does it work


Question by  gege (12)

How many days do most parents home school in the year?

Are parents required to home school a certain number of days?


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

Yes, in most states, children are required to be home schooled for a certain number of hours a year. Sometimes this is equated to days, but often it is hours. Check with your Board of Education for your state.


Answer by  BranandMike (148)

Each state requires and sets how many days a parent must homeschool their children. Most use the local school calnedar and teach on the days public school is in session. There are lots of rukes and regulations parents must follow and accurate attendence records and lesson plans must be kept.


Answer by  makaveli1671 (80)

Most parents who home-school buy a curriculum and then follow that curriculum. If the home-school kids take 6 months, rather than 8 or 10 months, to finish the curriculum, then so be it - there are no set number of days that home school kids must be "in school. "


Answer by  sara27 (26)

It starts from drop and pickup of the kids to the school. Apart from this they use to come to school on school celebrations and on the teacher review meeting.

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