Are water diets safe?
Can you provide options for water retention in my legs assocatied with type 2 diabetes, low testoserone, over weight and a cut in my leg?
If an orchid loses it's leaves, is it dead?
What are some diseases of phalaenopsis orchids?
What are some stylish long hair cuts?
What could be causing my orchid to be dropping its flowers?
Why is it so hard to get an orchid to bloom again?
plants when
Question by benedickgomezyahoocom (7)
Answer by Jalaine11 (2043)
Orchids need water in order to live. Once you cut your orchid it needs to be placed in water immediately.
Answer by japratt (1687)
These type of plants will normally last about one to two weeks when out of the water. If you keep them in water out of their land the will survive.
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