

Question by  MikeyRickets95 (6)

How long do you microwave vegetables?

I don't want them to turn to mush.


Answer by  blueballoon (190)

It depends on the vegetable, really. I microwave raw broccoli florets, carrots, and pieces of green beans for about 5 minutes with a bit of water in the bottom of the bowl. Softer vegetables require less time, usually about 3 1/2 minutes.


Answer by  sfuhrman (46)

I would not microwave vegetables for very long at all. Just long enough to get the warm. for a few carrots i would say 10-15 seconds.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

The best way to make sure that your vegetables don't get mushy is to microwave them in short intervals (30-45 seconds) and check them often.


Answer by  cgrid76hotmailcom (545)

It is really hard to turn something in to mush in the microwave that would take a long time to do .most of the time i put them in for

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