how does it work


Question by  churunga (22)

How does the key work in a safe deposit box in a bank?


Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

A bank safety deposit box typically has two keys for extra security. You are assigned a key when you rent the box. The bank does NOT keep an extra copy of that key SO DON"T LOSE IT. Both keys must be inserted and turned for the lock to open.


Answer by  Grallf (97)

The key is required to actually open the locked safe deposit box in the bank. The bank stores these boxes in a safe and will present them to the authorised account holder, however with no key you will not be able to actually open the box.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

Your key works in conjunction with another key that an officer at the bank will have to use to help you unlock your box. They will have to use their key first so you can use your key to access the contents of your safe deposit box.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

There are two keys for that box. The bank key and your key. Nobody can get into your bank safe deposit box without your permission. You go to the bank with your key ask for the box to be given to you and you open it and what ever.

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