


Question by  Craig58 (24)

How does black substrate work in a cichlid tank?


Answer by  cmcguire (143)

Black substrate works much like any other colored substrate in a cichlid tank. Extra space for bacteria to grow and flourish is often needed to biologically cycle the tank. The black color may make cleaning the tank harder, as it will be harder to see the waste from the fish and excess food.


Answer by  worker5526 (32)

Black substrate in a Cichlid tank can produce a very attractive contrast between the fish and the substrate. Cichlids (particularly African Cichlids) tend to have very high contrast colorations (white on black, yellow on black, etc), which are highlighted nicely by black substrate.


Answer by  sharonl (250)

Black substrate will help bring out the colors of the fish. Fish also feel more secure with a dark substrate such as black, rather than neon colors. The cichlids will feel less stressed and more comfortable with black gravel. If you used a light color gravel such as neon green, then the fish will act stressed.


Answer by  Aqua (130)

Black substrate will look attractive in a cichlid tank. Fish always try to adapt their coloration to their surroundings. With a black substrate they will show all their beautiful colors.


Answer by  ffilipinarush (3)

what can i put in my 20 gallon with one kamfa flowerhorn?


Answer by  ffilipinarush (3)

can i mix one 3 inch flowerhorn with 2 four and a half inch blood parrots?

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