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Question by  janu (53)

How do you "tame" cat dander?

My friend is allergic to cats, and I don't want her sick at my house.


Answer by  sspugs (496)

Air purifiers work well. Also, make sure to wash all bedding - human and pet - and vacuum or sweep any flooring. Try to play with pet in an area where the dander won't be a problem - playing and excitement will stir up the dander on the pet.


Answer by  EdnaS (92)

Taming cat dander is difficult as it is a small air-bourne particle. You can try wiping down your hard surfaces with wipes as this will stop the particles. Other than that - it's very hard, maybe meet your friend in a café.


Answer by  Lina820 (48)

To help your friend make sure that you have no recently cleaned when your friend comes over. Cleaning stirs up the dander in the air.

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