how to

 how to


Question by  blb (79)

How do you find out what your personal objectives really are?


Answer by  Petalmaker1 (263)

List all the things you are good at. Research the market to see how your talents will fit in. Make a list of the pros and cons of all your ambitions. Ask yourself where you would like to be in five then ten years from now. Follow your deepest passions.


Answer by  Karthon (403)

To find your personal objectives, take a step back and look at what you really want to achieve in life. If money was no object, what would you want to do? From this, you can build a road-map to achieving your dreams.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

To start with you need to figure out who you are as a person and wht you want. Then you need to develope a plan that works for you and s you work through it you will slowly answer the question.


Answer by  mynameisEarl (121)

I would just take the time to sit down with your family or by yourself and really thing about it. It's not something that anybody else could answer.


Answer by  mightyspidey (1080)

The best thing to do is take some time for yourself, alone, in a quiet place. Bring a pad and pen and write down your goals- both short term and life long. Do these goals have anything in common with one another? What can you do to make sure you achieve these goals? These are your personal objectives.


Answer by  venusj (90)

You would have to get in touch with your inner feelings, and ask yourself what can you do to make something better, what can you do to better benefit yourself and others.


Answer by  AppleSauce (140)

Just ask yourself what you want in life. What type of job do you want? Where do you want to live? What kind of person do you want to marry? Sit down and get to know yourself and ask yourself how you feel about your life and where you want to go. Those are questions that only you can answer.

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