


Question by  Bmw (23)

How do I propagate my hydrangea?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Early in the season take 4-6" new growth, softwood, cuttings with 4 buds or 2-3 sets of leaves on it. Dip the cutting in rooting mix, and pinch the leaves from the bottom buds. Place 2" deep in a mix of perlite and peat moss, NOT potting soil. Keep moist.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

Some say the best way to propagate the hydrangea is to select a branch that did not flower this season. Snip about 3-6" off (with about 3 sets of leaves) and snip off two bottom sets of leaves. Put in moist, balanced soil and cover in loose plastic.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Cut them about 6 inches in lenght then take the leaves of from the bottom 2 inches and plant them that is really all there is too it. If you would like more info on this you can do a net search and it will give you all the details.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Snip off the abput 6 inches of the shoot and take the 2 bottom leaves off and replant make sure you water and feed them well and they will grow.


Answer by  worker5534 (518)

Hydrangea is a hydrophytic plant. It propagate by using the bulbill in it Remove a well developed mature bulbill it contains reproducing spores. This spores are resposible for the popagation of hydrangea.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Select a healthy hydrangea and cut a green-wood stem base at least 2 inches below the leaf node. Stick the cutting in potting soil. Water daily.

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