

Question by  sajitha77 (19)

How do I potty-train a mini-Rex rabbit?


Answer by  SunnyStars (836)

Put a liter pan in the corner of your rabbits cage or living space. Rabbits tend to use the corner of their cage as a potty anyway. Eventually your rabbit will realize that it would rather keep the cage clean, to the point that your rabbit will have potty trained itself. Some rabbits take longer than others to potty train,


Answer by  ybforz (83)

Most rabbits are very easy to potty train. Start by putting a litter pan in the corner where he or she goes potty the most.


Answer by  turkworker (1007)

You need to allow the rabbit to choose their bathroom area in the cage, and place their litter box there.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Start by putting a corner litter box in his cage. He's going to have to figure this out for himself. Once he's using it you can let him out.

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