
 how to  skin


Question by  schottfamily (31)

How do I get rid of nose pimples?


Answer by  sc1234 (1319)

There are a couple of things that could be causing this, try these tips: 1. Change your laundry detergent 2. Exfoliate your skin regularly 3. Use face wash that has benzyl peroxide in it 4. Try acne medication if this is an underlying problem that is causing the nose pimples


Answer by  walter80 (409)

The best way to get rid of nose spots is to adopt a cleaning regime that you follow twice a day. First use a cleanser, followed by a toner and lastly a light moisturiser. Try not to touch the spots at other times as you will spread infection. Never squeeze a spot.


Answer by  doll (119)

Eating a diet of natural fruits and vegetables, and drinking water will clear up skin. Doctors have different names for different skin problems depending on where they appear on the body, i.e. acne, eczema, psoriasis, athletes foot, etc., but they're all the same thing. All are caused by poor diet.


Answer by  SGividen (652)

Use a cream or gel containing salycic acid; it's a drying agent found in most over-the-counter acne treatments. If you must pop, use tissue then put ice on the area.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

You should wash your face regularly and use a cream, or lotion like acne remover everyday or every other day. You could also try those poor cleansing strips. They remove the dirt in your pores and help to keep your nose from breaking out.

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