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Question by  Tea (97)

How do I get grease out of satin?


Answer by  AloysiusP72 (96)

Soap makes grease water soluble. If the satin is washable, rub the grease with a little liquid laundry detergent, and then wash the entire garment in the warmest water that is recommended. If it's not washable, dab the spot with detergent, then water.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Two things I found work a treat- try slightly dilute dish soap and gently and repeatedly scrubbing at the stain- a microfiber cloth like Shamwow works well. Or, try putting a piece of brown paper bag over it, and on the setting recommended for satin iron over the stain, it should lift it into the paper- NO STEAM!


Answer by  britt01 (292)

Take the satin and run some cold water over the stain. Then rub some ivory soap over the stain. Let is set for five minutes. The was the satin with some cold water again. Repeat until the garment is clean.


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

Take it to a dry cleaners and explain exactly what stained the satin. They should be able to get the stain out.


Answer by  taricha (84)

You can get grease out of satin with dish soap. Just spread a little bit of dish soap directly on the stain, work it in with your fingers, and rinse.

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