


Question by  clydesix (17)

How do I fix my hair, which is lighter on the top rather than on the bottom?


Answer by  Jenna (587)

If you're unhappy with the color of your hair and you've tried to do it on your own... I would go in and get it professionally colored.


Answer by  donnybrasco (170)

If your hair is lighter on the top and darker on the bottom, I would suggest some sort of layered hair cut. That way you get to take advantate of your "natural" highlights and lowlights. Definitely avoid any sort of hair style that is an "up" do. That would probably not show your coloring off well.


Answer by  cece69 (8)

If your hair is lighter on the top rather than on the bottom, dye your hair using chemical or natural treatments purchased from the store or at the hair salon.


Answer by  bajestar (605)

You probably need a toner or a corrective color. if your roots are lighter then the mix applied was wrong.

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