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Question by  maria14 (23)

How do I create a double-sized brochure on Microsoft Word?


Answer by  talktobobby (49)

> "New Document. " -> "Brochures. " -> "Business brochure" (8 1/2 x 11-inch, landscape). Double click it to open. > Read the instructions. The brochure template features instructions that tell you how to replace the text with your own. > Highlight the text below it and fill in the necessary information. > Insert the picture. > Proofread the brochure.


Answer by  RandomDan (489)

Create a two columned table to separate the two halves. Just remember to create a new row every now an then.


Answer by  DoCmdSendObject (19)

You can create the double-sized brochure on microsoft word on clicking the paper size tab and then landscape on it.


Answer by  vikkyrs (377)

Click the file menu and then the new button from the file menu. From the pop up select brochure. You can select as per your choice. Or else you can create your own brochure. Either you can select the paper size as your choice. Or while printing scale it as per your requirements.


Answer by  VitthalLGauns (7)

To Create Double Sixed Brochere on Macrosoft Word just you have to increase the Size of the borchere to 200% & the Size appears in Standard Tool Bar in MS Word


Answer by  thiefraccoon (266)

to create a brochure, you should use microsoft publisher instead. It is made for creating brochures, cards, and things like that.

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