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 legal  name


Question by  camorena (1)

How do I change my daughter's last name so that it is the same as mine?

She was given her father's surname at birth, but he's not in her life.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

To change a child's name, you must have a court order. The court will consider whether or not to grant such a petition. Impact on the child and the other parent (her father) will be considered.


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

You can get the forms for name change from . You will then be required to get a court order changing the name.


Answer by  Roshpico (90)

To change your childs last name check with your local Probate Court. You may need the fathers permission, depending on the laws of your state. This could be a complicated and lengthy process as are most issues in Probate Court, but well worth it in the long run for your child.


Answer by  mcr666 (362)

Uusally you can go to your city courthouse and request legal name change papers. You will also need to check with things like your insurance, mediacal records, and social security to apply the changed name to those.

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