How can I play sounds on my computer keyboard?
How do you keep an e-mail address from getting underlined in Microsoft Word?
What does a Chinese computer keyboard look like?
What is the best way to clean a computer keyboard?
What is the quickest way to clean your computer system?
Who makes an easy to use kid computer keyboard?
Why are the letters on a keyboard in the order that they are?
computer how to
Question by tormentink (14)
I know there are keys you can press that will put the font in underline.
Answer by ady (94)
This is really easy. You just need to select the word or part of text and press ctrl+U. And for bold ctrl+B or italic ctrl+I.
Answer by Kokroach (47)
Its only possible in WYSWIG text editors like MS Word. During writing a text press "Ctrl" and a letter "U" simultaneously. Also, you can highlight a text that is already written and press Ctrl wit U to get the same effect
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