
 cats  how to


Question by  es (61)

How can you tell if a cat is male or female?


Answer by  Lisa45 (144)

Wait until it is about 6 months old. If the cat starts to moan and rub itself on the floor with it's butt up in the air it is in heat and is a female. Also male cat's "jewels" do not "drop" into view until they are older.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

If a male cat hasn't been neutered it is very easy to tell: males have testicles, females don't have them.


Answer by  prakashk125 (19)

Both male and female cats has two openings in the anal area. in a female, the valve is a vertical slit almost joined to the anus like an upside down exclamation mark.


Answer by  Pmd43614 (28)

This can be difficult! However, the male's backside looks more like a colon ( : ) whereas the female, an upside down exclamation mark. In a male, the space between the anus and genital area is typically bigger as that is the space where the testicles grow.


Answer by  Teaberry (846)

Usually a male cat has testes that fall from the body when it is young. A female, young, has a anus and a slit which is her organs. Aside from the anus, the male usually has two round things that makes it easy to identify.


Answer by  Tellara (95)

If a male cat hasn't been neutered, you will be able to see its scrotum. A neutered male cat looks very similar to a female cat and you would probably need to get a vet to tell you the cat's gender.


Answer by  kevswife (11)

You can tell the sex of a cat the same way you would tell if a human baby was a boy or a girl. When the cat is born you simply look at its genitalia to see if it has female parts or male parts.


Answer by  Tracy15 (821)

Turn the cat on his back in your arms if there are 2 little lumps by his private area it is a boy cat if there is nothing but a smooth area then it is a girl cat.

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