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 how to  tv


Question by  CindyLouWho (14)

How can I split a tv signal to many different tvs?


Answer by  TOEKNEEJEE (310)

You are going to need to get a cable splitter; it will most likely involve cutting holes in your walls and rewiring it if it was not done when the house was built; it can be very difficult; just get a cable man; DIRECT TV YO


Answer by  Me51 (357)

Buy a cable spitter from your local electronics store. They cost about $5-10 and will take 1 cable signal and make it into 2 or more, although quality may suffer.


Answer by  Colleeni869 (26)

Go to any store with a good electronics department. They should have a splitter which will allow to put your incoming cable( if you have any cable/satellite TV) into one end. The other end has two hookups and you run cables from there to the TV's. If you need more than two then add splitters as needed.


Answer by  ferfer72 (2623)

There are a few different kinds of signal splitters. You can get a coaxial splitter for F-connectors--they're common for 2 and 4 different outlets. You can also split your coaxial splitters for RCA connectors.


Answer by  knightmare (1231)

With cable you can buy a coaxial splitter and coaxial wire, you'd feed the coaxial into the input part of the splitter and then run the outputs to your televisions.


Answer by  john11 (617)

You can use a product called a Cable splitter. They have one coax input and a number of outputs depending on how many TV's you want to hookup. They sell them pretty cheap at radio shack or online.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to split the signal you need to purchase a cable connector. The connector will divide the signals to many different units. But you need to keep in mind that the wire needs to be able to travel within the wall.


Answer by  brittanyr1992 (31)

as in most cases, digital cable/fiber optic/satellite tv providers do not offer services for more than one tv with a single box, they often require the customer to buy additional boxes. However, by using a device called a splitter, multiple tv's can recieve a signal from one set top box.


Answer by  kate74 (273)

Let's say you're splitting the signal to three different TVs. Attach the cable cord from the wall to a three way splitter. Next, run three different lines from each of the ports on the splitter. Attach each outgoing line to each TV and you'll have signal to each.


Answer by  eddie (12)

Buy a signal splitter or multiplexer from an electronics store. They can be purchased for under $20 and work really great.

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