how to


Question by  elsewhen (627)

How can I restring pearls?


Answer by  davelang (235)

First, find a string or necklace strong enough to support the pearls in question. Then line up the hole in the pearl with the necklace and thread them through one by one. Once you do this, tie or secure the necklace or string, so that the pearl do not fall out.


Answer by  philosophy (243)

When you do it, make sure that you use the special string for it. if you use regular thread or something weak like that, you might have a disaster on your hands. The string should be specially made to ensure that it doesn't break.


Answer by  Ervin (95)

The easiest way to restring pearls is to simply dip the end of the thread or string that the pearls will be put on into hot candle wax. Take the string out and smooth the end ensuring that some wax remains on the string, use this like a needle and thread the string through the pearls.


Answer by  Junebugbetty (23)

You should go to the nearest hobby store to find the clasp of your choice. I would also use upholstery thread, or maybe bead thread make sure it is strong. When you make your knots use this techinque make a loop and twist the end around several times finish with inserting the end in to the loop and pull.

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