human body


Question by  JoeLarkin (32)

How can I remove marijuana from my system quickly?


Answer by  Kat76 (475)

There are several things you can do to remove marijuana from your system quickly. The best option would be to go to your local drugstore, and purchase medicine made for women's urinary tract infection. This will essentially flush your system out. In addition, work out every day and drink lots and lots of water.

Reply by Kjkj (139):
Very have tried this?  add a comment

Answer by  aarmitage (53)

Q-Carb. You can buy it at your local small mom and pop stores or smoke emporiums also known as a head shop, and shady gas stations too. You consume the drink 24 hours before taking your test. Then continue to cleanse your system with water and make yourself urinate frequently. Don't eat any large meals the day of or before.


Answer by  Nykbart (6)

THC the chemical in Marijuana that gets you high and what drug tests test for, sticks to the fat cells in your body. To remove marijuana from your system quicker is to burn the fat cells that the THC sticks to. To do that just work out. Doesn't matter if its basketball, something that makes you sweat alot.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Unfortunately there is no quick way to remove it quickly as it equilibrates in your fat store because it is high lipid soluble. Fortunately most commercial drug screens do not pick out marijuana.

posted by Anonymous
Are you kidding me, marijuana is the #1 reason people fail drug tests, please get your facts straight before posting nonsense  add a comment

Answer by  bryansimala (41)

The only way to speed up the removal of marijuana breakdown chemicals in the body is through rigorous cardiovascular exercise as THC is fat soluble.


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

The best way to remove marijuana from your system in a hurry is by drinking as much vinegar as you can stand. It'll flush out any drugs or other substances ailing your system.

posted by Anonymous
in addition to that, vinegar in particular Braggs Apple Cider, is like a miracle medicine for us if we take a couple teaspoonfuls a day. check it out on the website  add a comment

Answer by  maber (1427)

There is no magic secret or way to get THC out of your system in a hurry. There are cleansers that you can buy that will mask the THC being dected on urine tests.


Answer by  Uareanidiot (19)

Drink water/liquids and piss often. Takes a week or two if you are a habitual user. Faster results: use dextox drinks which take about 48 hours, found in headshops.


Answer by  Lint (20)

While I've never had to put this in practice, Ive been told that a half cup of vinegar works very well. (half cup measuring size not half a drinking glass.)


Answer by  H797H (157)

There are cleansing kits which try their best to drain the body of these toxins the best they could. Also drinking cranberry juice constantly is said to purge the body of toxins through the urine. If trying to sober up, just like alcohol, time is the only way to get better.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Can't remove it but you can mask it in urine test's by quick clear.Thc stay's for at least 30 day's drink lot's of water and work out.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

I have heard drinking a bunch of water can help to remove it faster. However, I really don't think it can be removed in less than 2 weeks effectively.


Answer by  Anonymous

i used to work at the mines and was a daily pot smoker and we had a random test 1 shift i panicked but even being a smoker who smoked 14gms of weed a week to my amazement it didnt pick it up i thought i was a gonena


Answer by  Anonymous

Go jogging everymorning and sweat it out. Then drink alot of water to replace your loss of water. Thc stick to the fat cells so sweating it out is a good start. You just need to excrete those toxins so piss alot and sweat out like a pig.

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