human body


Question by  elsewhen (627)

How can I get water out of my ear?

Oh my gosh it is so annoying!


Answer by  jthen (28)

1. Use a Q-Tip (be gentle)! 2. Use a hairdryer 3. Use a half vinegar/half alcohol solution dropped in the ear (it'll dry it up). 4. Use ear drops from the pharmacy. 5. Go to sleep on that side. 6. If you still can't, see a doctor!


Answer by  jadeardurff (18)

use a product called swimmers ear. Its works so good!


Answer by  stphaniecostello (159)

Lay down on your side of the ear containing water. You have to be patient because it sometimes takes a little while. Turn your head slightly more than your side so that your nose is closer to the mattress. After about ten minutes, maybe less, you will feel warm water trickle out of your ear.


Answer by  lea (68)

You can purchase swimmers ear solution at most stores. It works by drying up any water that's in your ear. I have also heard that alcohol will work, but I wouldn't use more than a swab of it.


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

hola my name is so and so and i hate getting water in my ear

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