home remedies


Question by  Mar (428)

How can I get my thyroid levels normal without medication?


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

Thyroid problems are usually a result of deficiencies of iodine in the body. Iodine deficiencies are caused by iodine blockers more than anything else. To regulate iodine, reduce exposure to iodine blockers, primarily fluoride. Carrot juice is also known as one to the best regulators of the thyroid. Also increase iodized salt intake.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if you want to get your thyroid back into check, the best way is to actually do some yoga. Yoga helps regulate your thyroid gland returning your levels into normal.


Answer by  choctaw (361)

You can purchase thyroid dietary supplements for daily use from your local nutrition store. You can also supplement your diet with iodine supplements or iodized salt. The supplements can help with symptoms of abnormal thyroid levels such as hair loss, weight gain, cold hands and feet and low energy levels. Regulating your thyroid levels will also help you sleep better.


Answer by  mehul80 (136)

You have to pranayama it is the one of the breathing exercise.you have to do breathing exercise daily half an hour.The whole body gets pure oxygen.so the entire system of the body will clean the body and keep the body in normal.so you can get the normal thyroid level.


Answer by  Richard88 (391)

The thyroid requires iodine to function properly, and iodine is fairly rare in food. You may not be getting enough iodine. There are a few natural sources; ocean fish, shellfish, some plants like spinach have it if present in the soil. Most dietetic iodine is from artificial sources: iodized salt, iodated added to chicken feed, bread. So eat more salt!


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

The best way to achieve this is through exercise. You want to do atleast 1 hour of exercise a day to regulate your thyroid gland. Bikram yoga has helped me a lot for achieving normal levels.


Answer by  Humbelina (34)

Consume fish and seafood, lacteal, spinach and other vegetables that contribute iodine. Also the eggs, yellow strong or orange color fruits, and the vegetables of green leaf, contribute vitamin A.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

If you want to treat your thyroid levels without medication you will have to look for some kind of supplement that you can digest to get some kind of source of iodine into your body.


Answer by  manamana (203)

It depends if they're high or low. Start by going on a diet rich in whole foods and dairy and gluten free. This will help bring hormone levels in the body back to normal. Then drink sea salt water four times a day. Lots of water.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

If you smoke you have to stop. Change your diet for a low thyroid cut out the wheat and drink a juice that has coconut in it suppose to be beneficial.A hypo thyroid diet has to be high protein and a high carbohydrate diet Vitamins a b c have to be increased, calcium and phosphorous have to be doubled.

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