
 pests  yard


Question by  jaykar625 (10)

How can I fix a rabbit hole in my yard?


Answer by  zxq (108)

Take a shovel, bring some earth from another place to fill the hole, fix it as best as you can, and on top of it seed some grass, take care of it, and in a week or two, it will be fine.


Answer by  bigp (20)

simply grab a water hose allow it to run down the hole for a hour or so , then replace dirt in hole till the hole is covered. periodically check back to make sure the hole isn't dug out.


Answer by  Mike88 (21)

You should pour some blood meal down the hole to drive the rabbits away. Step back from the hole and see if they scurry out. Once you're certain there are none left inside, fill it in with dirt.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Take a cloth and soak it in ammonia, but the rag by the rabbit hole. It will make the rabbit go out or not go back in. When all is clear, you can fill with small stones and dirt on top of that. This should keep the rabbit away.

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