health conditions


Question by  tribolumen (25)

How can I find a lyme disease specialist in my area?


Answer by  FIOREL (55)

Lyme disease is treated by a medical doctor who specializes in infection control so look up that specialty in the yellow pages or call the local DOH.


Answer by  Sue8941 (106)

A good place to start would be visiting your general doctor. If they are aware that you have lyme disease, they will know of specialists in your area that can help you. If your doctor is unwilling to help there are many lyme disease help groups on the internet that can lead you to a specialist.


Answer by  Janabi (10)

The first step is to ask your primary care doctor. He or she should be able to refer you to another doctor who specializes in lyme disease. You could also search lyme disease forums for your area and post a question there.

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