dental care


Question by  Cilla (4)

How can I find a government or county funded dentist for emergencies?


Answer by  lalallalala (180)

Try calling your Counties Health Department to see if they know of any dentists. Or google 'County Funded Dentist' for your county. Remember though if it's a real emergency to go to the hospital for care!


Answer by  Desine (427)

Look in the phone book under emergency dentistry, and call to ask them about hardship plans, or call the non-emergency number of the local emergency room and ask them.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, to find a government funded dentist, you may want to google that phrase with your city location nearby to get results.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

I would start by calling your county's health department. They may possibly have a dentist such as you need. Or they would be able to tell you which dentist to go to.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

If you have service time you can contact the Veterans Association, or try your local dental schools. The problem with both you might have to wait for an appointment. Or contact your local government or county for information. There are local free clinic that charge less.


Answer by  John (9008)

Dental services are not universally available; your area might not have any such dental services. Most low-cost dental clinics are tied to a dental school; calling the nearest college of dentistry may help. You can also check with your local health department.


Answer by  blugem (9)

If you are a student, you can go to any hospital or clinic and show your student card to the front desk.


Answer by  josa (38)

Just go for hospital web page,its contain the list of the doctors who is working as a on call staff. For emergeny section staffs with the doctors advice they can help the pt.

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