

Question by  t56 (143)

How can foreigners open bank accounts?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Apply for a bank account at your local bank as a normal procedure. There is no restriction in opening the bank account I believe. You have to have the necessary funds.


Answer by  patti (29325)

To open an account in the U.S. you must have proper identification and an address. The funds transacted will be in U.S. dollars.


Answer by  don (46)

Contact your country embassy and they will provide you or guide you to open a new account and in many cases the account will be temporary.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Some banks accept Matricula Consular de Alta Seguridad (MCAS) (Consular Matriculation of High Security) (Mexican consulate card) as proof of ID for Mexican nationals to open bank accounts.


Answer by  PGR (74)

In most cases the bank will require proof of identity, including a passport, for those who are not US citizens.


Answer by  saadhana (22)

They open accounts without SSN# but the account must be opened in person which I cannot do as a trip to the US would cost me thousands of $s


Answer by  samar (124)

You may need a approval application from your embassy asking them for the same or maybe application of where you are working or studying.

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