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Question by  mclaug43 (17)

For a Road King, what oil is recommended?


Answer by  ScooterMike (145)

It's really dependent upon your riding habits, and the climate at your location. You'll want to use 20/50 Harley oil, synthetic versus standard is up to you. If you have high mileage, synthetic is a good idea. I recommend Amsoil Synthetic over H-D most dealers carry both.


Answer by  CarlSCansino (464)

I would definitely use a high grade synthetic 20-50 oil. Amsoil is a great brand as well as the synthetic oil from Screamin Eagle. Synthetics are just a few dollars more but when your putting it into you 25 thousand dollar investment why skimp with a cheap oil. In addition, I would use a high quality oil filter as well.

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