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Question by  TriniFigueroa (128)

Does Emerson still make a 20" TV?

I don't have space for bigger.


Answer by  neadha (24)

Emerson may no longer make 20" televisions, but you may be able to acquire one through online stores like amazon or ebay and since they may no longer produce 20" televisions you may be able to get it at a very low price, but this may come at a cost as the tv may be scarce or hard to find.


Answer by  shiju111 (17)

personally emerson is not that bad. they got bought out by a chinese company call funai. i would save up and buy a better one, but at 20" the pictre quality wouldnt be that much difference. because a better name brand would give you a much better picture quality on non- hd and better on hd

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