


Question by  wisdomt (24)

Does a car idling cause overheating?


Answer by  TravisUSMC (979)

It should not. There is less airflow onto the engine when you are idling but it should not be enough to overheat. If so you have a cooling problem.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

If a car set still while idling it will run hotter than if it were moving down the road. The air being moved through the radiator helps cool the engine.


Answer by  les59 (852)

Normally a car idling should not overheat. If the car is overheating while idling, check your radiator for coolant, adding more if neccessary.


Answer by  billyb (562)

a car idling does not cause overheating. overheating is a sign of other problems. you need to check the cooling system.

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