

Question by  mangosteen (272)

Do you shred at least some of your papers?

If so, what do you shred? if not, why not?


Answer by  chapstick (58)

we definitely shred some of our papers. we shred anything we do not need that has personal information on it. we shred to deter identity theft and protect our financial account information from getting into the wrong hands.


Answer by  John (9008)

I shred a fair amount of my papers, and I think that it is smart to do so. I shred anything that has identifiable information for me (including account numbers).


Answer by  Rose (6804)

We shred all of our important documents, anything that may have identifying information on. We do this to protect our identity and that of our children. With the increase of identity theft it is necessary to shred any document that contains any information that can be used the wrong way.


Answer by  ChrisD6977 (20)

When I got my first paper shredder anything paper went into it. Now though I only shred papers that have any type of identifying information on them as to not get into the wrong hands.

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