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Question by  suji (8)

Do you like your Rowenta iron?

I need a new iron.


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

I like my Rowenta Iron, but it's not the best iron I've ever owned. I liked my last iron more, but I burned the cord on it.


Answer by  jake341 (48)

My Rowenta is the first iron i have owned in a long time that works great. The smooth surface glides over all fabrics with relative ease compared to others ive tried. It seems heavier and more durable. The cost more, but so far, it's worth it to me.


Answer by  mynameisEarl (121)

I have had better irons but it is not bad for the price. I bought mine at Macy's and had to get a replacement since it was getting too hot but have not had problems since. I would look into some reviews for the specific model that you are looking into.


Answer by  Oliver (28)

I really enjoy my Rowenta iron. It is easy to use, yet the latest technology makes ironing a pleasure and so safe that anyone can use it.

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